What if I missed a tax year and didn’t file my taxes?
You can file your taxes any time, however, if you owe the IRS for that tax year you will incur hefty penalties and interest from the due date of the tax return. If you’re due a refund, the IRS will pay you interest, but you only have 3 years from the return’s due date to claim that refund. If you owe, we can assist you with setting up a payment plan.
What if I can’t find the documents needed to prepare my tax return?
You may request transcripts online via https://www.irs.gov/individuals/get-transcript
Or you can stop by our office and sign an authorization form for us to contact the IRS on your behalf to receive the Wage & Income Transcript needed to file your taxes.
Call your local professionals today at Meadville Tax Service, 814-333-2488